St. Vincent de Paul St. Mary Buffalo Grove:
What we do as a Conference
[CLICK on the icons below or scroll down for more]
St. Mary Parish
The home of our St. Vincent de Paul Confrence.
CLICK on the image above and BACK ARROW to return.
Provide monthly food pantries and assistance with rent and utilities.
CLICK on the image above.
Thrift Store
Visit our store at
168 Peterson Rd.
Libertyville, IL 60048
CLICK on the image above.
Register for Golf Outing
Register for our annual golf outing.
CLICK on the image above.
Sponsors / Banquet Dinner (no golf)
CLICK on the image above.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a charitable outreach program of St. Mary Parish in Buffalo Grove, IL.
Our main focus is immediate help of the poor and the needy. We sponsor food collection for the Parish food pantry.
Where there is need, we help pay part of people’s rent, electric, and/or heating bills.
We are financed from donations placed in the poor boxes at the church entrances, and by individual donations through church envelopes and through Abundant Giving.
We also co-sponsor the Christmas gift program Adopt A Family with St. Mary Parish.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul accepts food donations for our pantry.
Your generosity helps us make a real difference for our friends in need.
We prefer to collect food on the first weekend of each month, but donation boxes are located in the east and west vestibules of the church.
Thank you for your continued support via the poor box and food donations.
Please visit our Pantry page (above) for a list of the items we need.
If you have articles of clothing for donation, please visit our Thrift Store page (above).
For more information, please contact our president Tom Haravon or email
If you are in need of assistance, contact our hotline.
Fighting Poverty, Bringing Hope
Who We Are
Our Society members, affectionately called “Vincentians,” are joined by their passion of serving neighbors in need. Vincentians commit to membership in one of our 116+ Chicago area conferences for fellowship, training and spiritual guidance in their habit of service Meeting people at difficult times in their lives requires sensitivity, compassion and a deep respect for their struggles. The center of our service model is a person-to-person home visit, during which our trained staff and volunteers get to know our neighbors and hear their stories.
What We Do
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Buffalo Grove Conference is a volunteer organization that offers direct aid to those in need across two counties in the Chicago Northwest suburbs and has done so for over 60 years. Through personal, compassionate interaction, the Society’s members provide short-term financial, material and emotional support to our neighbors in need.
In addition, broader Society programs and services help families address the underlying root causes of their basic unmet needs. Things like proving food, rental and utility assistance, empower our friends in need to build a life free from poverty.
“A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”
Contact Us
If you are in need of our assistance, please call (847) 541-1450 and ask for extension 131, the St. Vincent de Paul hotline.
Please state your name and call back phone number clearly and slowly.
Someone will return your call within 24 hours.
You can also email us at