Food Pantry


Our pantry is open every third Saturday from 8AM until 10AM.
             It is located at 50 N. Buffalo Grove Rd. Buffalo Grove IL 60089.

Our pantry services anywhere from 120 to 250 families a month. 


At Easter, Christmas, and Thanksgiving we also provide families within our service district with a $25 gift card or a ham. 

We receive bread donations weekly from Deerfield’s which our members pick up, bag and freeze. 

On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month we go to Panera Bread and collect their donations.

If you need assistance outside of pantry hours, call (847) 541-1450 extension 131. 

Donations of food are collected each first weekend of the month before Masses on the Southwest corner of St. Mary’s School, near the large blue St. Vincent de Paul donation bin.  


Donations of food can ale be made in the St. Vincent de Paul food donation boxes located in the East and West vestibules of the church.


Cash donation can be left in the St. Vincent de Paul poor boxes at the East, North and West entrances.  


Donations can also be made using the St. Vincent de Paul envelopes and place in the weekend collection baskets or directly through Abundant Giving.


Donations of food are always most welcome, particularly donations of the food items listed below.


Please make sure the items are in date.


And no family or large size items, please, as they do not fit into our 12″ x 12″ x 12″ boxes of food that we prepare for distribution.